The City of Bell Gardens has been awarded an Equitable Community Revitalization Grant ("ECRG") from the Department of Toxic Substance Control ("DTSC"). ECRG monies will be used for investigation and clean-up of contaminated property located at 5636 Shull Street. The DTSC and California Regioal Water Quality Control Board are collaborating as oversight agencies for this project.

Bell Gardens is in desperate need of an increase in housing growth, with only a 2% increase since 2000. Site remediation will provide access to 4.33 acres of land to construct eighty affordable multi-family rental unites and eighteen affordable town homes for purchase. The project also has the capability of supporting the community through job creation and the development of equitable contracting systems.
The site has been vacant for approximately 20 years. Clean-up will remove hazardous materials in both soil and groundwater beneath the site.
The City of Bell Gardens, DTSC, Contractors, and Project want to keep the public updated on this important project. Plus use this website to stay informed on upcoming informational meetings and other public events.
